varsion 4.5.1 - Fixed CSS bug varsion 4.5 - removed jQuery library dependency. FolioGallery was re-written in vanilla JS and no longer requires a jQuery library. - fixed bugs - improved responsiveness for various screen sizes version 4.4 - Added shortcode functionality - Fixed exif data display in foliogallery-img.php version 4.3 - Moved foliogallery.php and foliogallery-img.php files to the script's main folder. These files don't reside on root any longer. - File types are no longer limited. All jpg, png and gif files will be displayed as images, other file types will be displayed as icons. mp3 and mp4 will be displayed in html5 player in the modal window. - Added .htaccess files to 'foliogallery' and 'albums' folders to prevent indexing. If you don't use Apache server remove these files and take other measures to prevent file/folder indexing. - The script now checks for existence of 'exif' extension in the modal window, before trying to display exif info when $showExiff is TRUE. - Some variables have changed. - Cleaned up code and removed unnecessary code. version 4.2.1 - Added toggle to info panel in image overlay - Minor improvements version 4.2 - Added horizontal scrolling when displayed inline - Bug fixes version 4.1 - Improved security to prevent Directory Traversal Attacks (as pointed out by Muhan Luo in comments ) - Added pagination to full view - Display gallery and albums in the scroller or in full page independantly of each other, ie. display the gallery in the scroller but albums in full page view. - Added sorting by reverse file name version 4.0 - Added responsive view - Modified settings in config file - Removed some settings from config.php file, it is now easier to change thumbnail width/height from css file - Now, all thumbnails can be displayed in a page or in the scroller - Added share album link on the image overlay modal - Redesigned image overlay modal - Local mp3 and mp4 files now use native html5 player in the image overlay modal - Improved the scroller - Other minor changes - Bug Fixes version 3.5 - Added option to specify max width of canvas - Added option to specify max number of rows to display in canvas - Added option to specify thumbnail height - Added option to specify width of thumbnails when being created - Added html5media ( support. Gallery can play mp3 and mp4 files now in the image overlay - Changed tooltip in album caption to be mobile friendly - Revamped the image overlay look - Added Google Material Design icons - Bug fixes version 3.0 - Added native responsive image viewer overlay - Colorbox no longer required - Added exif info in image view - Added prev/next slider to Thumbnail view. Pagination blocks no longer required. - Made other minor modifications - Made the thumbnail/image viewer responsive version 2.0 - Added ability to embed videos from youtube and vimeo - Added ability to add descriptions to albums and images from a text file - Modified underlying code to accommodate the above changes version 1.4 - Security fixes - minor CSS changes version 1.3 - Added option to display random or static album thumbnails - Modified thumbnail resizing function. Now it resizes images only if they are wider than specified - Renamed some php variables in code - Sort by name is not case sensitive now - Cleaned up code and fixed some other bugs - Changed appearance of pagination - Made other minor modifications version 1.2 - Renamed the gallery to folioGallery - Added option for displaying captions in album files - Added png and gif automatic thumbnail creation - Changed thumbnail styling - Modified the CSS - Made other minor modifications Version 1.1 - Correct number of images are now displayed in colorbox modal window. - Correct number of images are now looped in colorbox modal window. - Made minor changes to php file.